Trucking Regulatory Excellence IntelliConference
Rules and regulations are promulgated in reaction to various events and experiences. Often, they develop a life of their own, untethered to the original intent, frustrating all involved. Improvements are often challenging as individual industries and companies beseech government from a vested-interest point of view. The North American Freight Forum will gather all informed perspectives into a body of trucking regulatory recommendations to be delivered to the U.S., Mexican, and Canadian administrations.
Core Question:
What regulations can stakeholders agree on that are either outdated, de minimis, redundant, counter-productive, or can be improved in support of the growth of trucking and its service?
- In addition to the following, what other areas do regulations apply in owning and operating trucks?
- Financial reporting
- Service reporting
- Licenses and permits
- Employee management
- Equipment management
- Driver regulations
- Taxes
- Insurance and liability
- What regulations do not have any impact and are therefore unnecessary?
- What regulations are counter-productive?
- What regulations are redundant, where the issue is handled by another regulation or procedure?
- What regulations should be eliminated because the issue they target is inconsequential?
- What regulations should be improved in some way? How?
- What regulations that apply to all size companies should be amended for smaller companies?
- What activities or relationships need new regulations?
Next Round:
Trucking Regulatory IntelliConference: Costs, Benefits, Implications, Priorities
- What process should be established for reviewing and/or sunsetting rules and regulations at intervals or upon change in circumstances?
- How should hard and soft costs of rules and regs be calculated and recognized?
- How should we prioritize issues for our attention within the North American Freight Forum?
- What changes should be made to rulemaking and regulatory processes?
- How can the NAFF Regulatory IntelliConference process be institutionalized and perpetuated?
- How can the need for rules and regs be mitigated with trust and cooperation?
- How can federal, state, and local regulations be consolidated and streamlined to improve the overall efficiency for trucking companies and regulatory agencies?
- How can increasing liability insurance costs be addressed to limit negative impacts on trucking companies, shippers, and consumers?
- How do we balance the costs to the trucking industry from the “Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse” initiative with the safety benefits for the industry and the general public?
- How does the 2020 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement impact truck transportation?
- What are the effects of California Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) legislation and what are the potential ramifications if this ruling became a national law?
- Other than enhanced hazmat employee training, how can we streamline OSHA, USDOT, and state DOT safety regulations and inspections to provide a more efficient, safe working environment?
- How can we integrate local, state, and federal motor carrier security requirements?
- How should the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) rules be improved?
- How can trucking companies and public agencies share proprietary freight data for better planning while protecting confidential commercial information and relationships?