Herb Grabell | bio

Herb Grabell is a senior vice president with Kidder Mathews, specializing
in transpacific goods movement, logistics strategies, and clean technology
energy solutions. He is presently based in Irvine, California, assisting
clients with goods movement supply chain strategies, including rail, that
are tied to real estate projects between the U.S., Asia/SE Asia, and Mexico.
In Southern California, he focuses on advisory solutions for the ports, from the
Inland Empire to the Mexican border.
Prior to joining Kidder Mathews, Herb was a managing director with Newmark Grubb
Knight Frank and worked previously with Grubb & Ellis Company based in
China, Hawaii, Northern California and most recently in the Ontario/Inland
Empire region. Previously, he worked in commercial real estate in the New
Jersey/New York marketplace specializing in industrial real estate, while
associated with Colliers International. Herb has been in the real estate business
since 1988, is considered an expert in his field and is regularly featured or
quoted in several business related publications and speaks, both domestically
and internationally.
Herb has established many strategic alliances in both the U.S. and Asia/SE Asia
and continues to develop a bridge assisting companies in both regions. These
include industrial land advisory and manufacturing/warehousing tied to reshoring/
onshoring strategies.
Herb is also an advisor for several major logistics parks and ports within the
western U.S. and plays an active role introducing both U.S. and Asian companies
to import/export solutions.
ASSOCIATION of Commercial Real Estate (past president)
BOARD MEMBER, California Inland Empire District Export Council
MEMBER, Counselors of Real Estate, CRE®
MEMBER, Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR)
BS in Marketing Management, New Mexico State University