Daniel R. Elliot | bio

Transportation Attorney, Former Chairman of U.S. Surface Transportation Board
Daniel R. Elliott was presidentially appointed, and Senate confirmed to terms in 2009 and 2015 on the U.S. Surface Transportation Board (STB), an independent economic regulator of the freight railroad industry. He was designated by the President to be Chairman for both of these terms through January 2017.
As Chairman, Mr. Elliott became an authority in economic regulatory matters handled before the STB, in Congress and through the courts. He was responsible for decisions at the agency regarding complex rulemakings, demurrage and rate cases, preemption issues, and major rail construction cases. Another part of his job included constant interaction with Congress, especially committees with oversight over STB activities, including testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee on several occasions.
Now Mr. Elliott mainly handles transportation regulatory matters for railroads and shippers. He brings unique insights to any issue he faces because of his understanding of how federal agencies work and his relationships throughout government and the rail industry.
Prior to assuming his leadership role in the federal government, Mr. Elliott handled rail labor matters for sixteen years. He has extensive knowledge of the unique issues that arise in the rail world.
Mr. Elliott was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and grew up in Cleveland. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. and the Ohio State College of Law with a J.D.